Dental PPO Dentist
April 25, 2017
Dental PPO participation is important to many people. Dr Timmerman is in network with Delta Dental of Washington (WDS or Washington Dental Service), Cigna Dental, Regence Blue Shield, Aetna Dental, Guardian Dental, and Humana Dental (our Delta participation also allows us to be “in network” for Delta from other states). If you have coverage from ANY of these plans, you can know that we can make usage of your dental benefits EASY for you.
It may be important to clarify from the start that dental insurance does not exist, but pre paid dental benefits are very common. Insurance (like home, medical, auto, or fire) is where we pay into a common fund and hope to NEVER use. It is certainly great to have when we NEED, but we don’t really WANT our house to burn down so we can use it. Coverage for triple bypass heart surgery is great, but I don’t WANT to have the treatment unless I NEED it.
Dr Timmerman accepts ALL dental insurance that allows you to choose your dentist. Some plans REQUIRE you to go to specific offices (like Group Health or Kaiser Permanente), but most other plans allow you to see ANYONE, and encourage you to see someone IN the network. The percentages are higher, but the actual money paid is the same wherever you go. The easiest example is: PPO pays 100% of $100 item if seeing an IN network, dentist, but that exact $100 is only 90% of the $111 fee from an OUT of network office. If seeing an out of network dentist, that $11 must be paid by the patient.
Probably the most confusing aspect to dental benefit plans is their rules and limitations. Most decisions are NOT made by a dentist when denied benefits, or “hoops to jump through” to get the chosen treatment, but are in fact decided by someone with little or zero background or training in dentistry. They simply know the plan rules and enforce them as they choose.
As experts, we know how to navigate your plan. We won’t let an insurance employee dictate our treatment or what we offer, but we certainly will play by their rules. This can be confusing to you, so be sure to ask for clarification in advance if necessary.
Another confusing aspect to dental benefits is the annual maximum. While it may say “100% coverage”, be sure to know the ceiling to coverage. Most plans have a max up to $1000 or $1500 and some of the better plans pay up to $2000 per year. This means that if your treatment plan is $5000, the plan will only pay $2000, even if they say “100% coverage”. Some treatment plans can be broken into pieces and done over time, but some things (like a bridge) are done at a single time and can’t be broken up.
To confuse even more, companies will use “UCR Tables” to determine benefits. They state that this is “usual, customary, and reasonable” but often is not any of the three. The tables are 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, and 90th percentiles, so it is important to know which percentile your plan uses. Some plans pay 100% of the 50th percentile, yet not a single dentist has a fee at that number. The HR department at your employer may have simply chosen a plan that doesn’t pay as well as another plan.
Some plans have rules that confuse everyone. If a cheaper alternative is possible, then they will only pay what would have been paid for that option, not what was actually done. For example, some plans will pay for a bridge if only missing a single tooth. However, if TWO teeth are missing, they will pay for a removable partial denture (sometimes called a flipper), ONCE in the patient’s lifetime.
Some people feel that they MUST have a dental plan, but their employer does not offer ANY dental benefits. In this case, they purchased a plan individually. All financial planners will tell you that this is a very poor investment, as you will ALWAYS pay more out of pocket than you receive in benefit. Always.
The most common way is a mandatory waiting period. Often, the plan may contribute for a cleaning, but NOTHING else for 18 months. If your premium was $200 per month, you will pay $3600 before you can “do” anything, and then you will have $1000 maximum benefit per year. You will never catch up, receive more than you paid in.
Our “In Office Plan” is a much better investment. Our annual fee includes basic care and a discount on treatment, with no waiting periods.
In many cases, we CAN bill treatment to medical insurance, so be sure to bring your medical insurance information. Dentists are NOT in network with medical, but the benefits can still be used. The rule of thumb is anything below the gums may have coverage (dental implants, periodontal surgeries, gum grafts, bone grafts), and we routinely treat sleep apnea while billing medical insurance (there is NO dental benefit for sleep apnea). There is significant paperwork and time involved, so we DO ask for your patience.
Tukwila Cigna Dentist
Cigna Dentist Insurance Network
Dr Lance Timmerman is a Cigna dentist in Tukwila, helping his patients make the most of their dental benefits. As times change, in this changing world, it is important to know that you get the best VALUE for your investments. Dr Timmerman has the training, skills, and experience that allow his patients world class care.
Limitations to Dental Benefits
A common frustration when choosing a dentist that is IN network, is the limited services offered. In our office, we are proud to offer a wide variety of treatment. First and foremost is our general, FAMILY, dental care. From cleanings and fillings, routine care is done RIGHT here. For those that need more, we offer many specialty services, including dental implants, porcelain veneers, snoring and sleep apnea treatment, and more. While we can do almost anything, we don’t do EVERYTHING, so we DO work with specialists as well.
One Patient at a Time
Perhaps unique to our office is our attention to the individual. While some people experience network offices that rush patients through quickly, we only see one patient at a time. This allows us to get to know you, to get to know your goals, and how best to treat your conditions. This requires a lot of time and attention, and we pride ourselves on TAKING the time.
Efficient with Time
Our systems allow us to offer treatment in a way that saves you time. Some people put off treatment because the appointments are so very long and time consuming. In our office, we use modern materials and modern methods, making your experience take only as long as NEEDED. An example is our dental crown: it takes two visits, the first usually 30 minutes and the second usually 15 minutes. This can often be done before going to work!
Make the most of Cigna
If you want value and convenience for you and your family, call us at 206-241-5533 today!
Aetna Dentist Network Provider
April 18, 2017
The times, they are a changing…. Dr Lance Timmerman wants to help his patients offset the costs to dental care, and is an IN network Aetna dentistwith Aetna Dental. This means that if you have Aetna dental, there is no reason to seek care anyplace else. World class dental care with network pricing.
Let’s face it. Times have changed. Costs of living are a challenge, so seeking an Aetna dentist can save money. Are ALL dentists the same? Are network dentists better? Not necessarily, so do your homework. Please search our website to learn if we are a good fit for you. We offer general services (cleanings, fillings, etc), but we also offer specialized care, like snoring/sleep apnea, dental implants, or smile makeovers.
It can be frustrating to get the care that you want, but learn that there are rules to follow, and some services aren’t covered. What is worse, sometimes you find this out AFTER the treatment is complete. OUR office seeks transparency. We state UP FRONT the plan, the alternatives, and the costs associated with your care. If payment arrangements or financing is needed, we can help.
Most limitations are due to limited services offered from that specific office, not necessarily the plan, so choose an office with a variety of services.
The benefit of an IN network dentist and the convenience of Tukwila, right behind the family fun center and next door to Starfire (where the Seattle Sounders train) make this a convenient and money saving option. We share the building with the University of Phoenix, so don’t drive past thinking your GPS is broken!
Oral Cancer Awerness Month
April 9, 2017
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida fringilla neque sit amet sollicitudin. Duis aliquam dictum feugiat. Quisque elit tortor, ullamcorper quis ultrices vitae, mattis non est. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Ut ac suscipit lorem. Suspendisse rhoncus tellus ac neque gravida, in tristique urna placerat. Morbi in purus rutrum, hendrerit tellus pulvinar, interdum nisl. Quisque eu auctor velit, id scelerisque lectus. Vivamus accumsan ligula eu luctus lobortis. Nam dictum lacus eu leo sodales mollis. Phasellus vitae porttitor ex, et aliquet nulla. Vestibulum sed mi varius ante convallis porta. Donec nisi augue, vestibulum eu fringilla non, dignissim quis mauris.
Nulla fringilla ante a lectus placerat, at lacinia magna tristique. Nam ut pretium ligula. Cras pretium maximus nisi. Donec dignissim tincidunt eros sed tempor. Maecenas quis neque quis orci faucibus dignissim sit amet sed felis.
Quisque vitae turpis lacus. Aenean eu augue nunc. Sed gravida purus tellus, a varius odio euismod fermentum. Duis faucibus elit ut nulla pretium mollis. Nullam condimentum tempor massa, vehicula placerat ligula scelerisque ut. Donec tincidunt vehicula suscipit. Etiam euismod tortor id mi sodales, vitae tincidunt sem molestie. Praesent ac magna quis ex gravida varius eu sit amet turpis. Curabitur nisi dolor, facilisis a justo sed, placerat aliquet lectus. Cras pretium nec velit eget vulputate. Aenean molestie mi ligula, ut interdum lectus sodales sit amet. Aenean vehicula porttitor dui, a pellentesque neque sodales sodales. Cras ut porta libero. Nullam libero nibh, placerat quis lectus non, aliquam lobortis ipsum. Ut ac enim at leo eleifend lobortis quis eu lorem.
Sed elit ex, aliquet a porttitor non, posuere sagittis purus. Phasellus ornare enim quis nisl pretium blandit. In interdum, lacus sagittis ultrices porta, massa ipsum hendrerit est, tincidunt fermentum lacus massa sit amet turpis. Morbi et augue eget ante commodo rutrum tristique facilisis arcu. Phasellus volutpat massa neque, eu sodales dui molestie a. Quisque vehicula suscipit mattis. Cras eget efficitur leo. Proin venenatis risus eu tempus auctor. Pellentesque lobortis egestas metus, sodales cursus felis fringilla faucibus. Integer molestie augue quis felis scelerisque suscipit. Sed rhoncus dui nec erat viverra, ac fermentum nunc sodales.
Aenean porttitor arcu nec lacus hendrerit, sit amet efficitur sapien finibus. Nulla mollis dictum neque, eget cursus nulla dignissim et. Vivamus eget purus at lorem dictum lacinia. Ut in neque nibh. Integer fringilla ante eget nulla pretium vestibulum vel vitae nulla. Quisque sollicitudin arcu vel tortor placerat pretium. Duis tincidunt ullamcorper nunc aliquam ultricies.