Regence Dentist
March 7, 2018
Dr Lance Timmerman DMD is a Regence Dentist, a dentist for your entire family. With today’s changing climate, it is important to get the most “bang for your buck” and easy to manage your dental benefits. When seeing a dentist IN network with your insurance, coordinating and managing your benefits can’t be any easier. When Dr Timmerman was OUT of network, things were very complicated. Now that Dr Timmerman has been recruited to the network, everything is much more streamlined.
When choosing a Regence Dentist (sometimes referred to as “Regence Blue Shield”), you don’t have to shop around looking for the best price. Since it won’t cost any more or less when seeing a network provider, you can find a dentist that offers the treatment you seek, or at the location that is convenient. Dr Timmerman is among the most experienced and trained dentists in the NATION, with a Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry, a Diplomate with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, and a fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantology. Less than 2% of the dentists nationwide have this level of training and experience, so he is often asked to lecture and teach OTHER dentists.
Dr Timmerman’s office is very convenient to get to. Tucked behind the Family Fun Center in Tukwila, near the Southcenter Mall (Westfield Shopping Center), Dr Timmerman practically shares a parking lot with Starfire Sports Complex (home of the Seattle Sounders). Right off exit #1 from I-405, you can arrive very quickly from all over the Seattle metropolitan area. Patients come from all over the world to see Dr Timmerman, so you are fortunate that he is so close to you!
Managing costs of dental care can be confusing. Let us help you manage your Regence dental benefits or coordinate our many financing options.
Tukwila Emergency Dentist
August 3, 2017
Tukwila Emergency Dentist
When looking for a Tukwila emergency dentist, finding a dentist that can take care of the situation quickly and conveniently is important. Removing pain, smoothing a sharp edge, replacing a crown that fell off, etc are all things that often can’t wait, ESPECIALLY on a weekend or before a special event!
Emergency Dentist Root Canal
While historically the term “root canal” has evoked thoughts or images of pain, the treatment TODAY is usually painless and faster than ever. Most of the pain people associate with root canal treatment from waiting too long for treatment, which can sometimes make getting numb a challenge. Often we must do treatment in more than one appointment so that the treatment is more comfortable. The first visit can alleviate most of the pain, but it may not “feel normal” until treatment is done.
Crown After Root Canal
It should always be pointed out that root canal treatment is only HALF of the treatment. The tooth will be weakened from the treatment and will require a crown to prevent tooth fracture. Much of the time, this two visit treatment can be started at the same time as the root canal treatment, saving a visit. But make no mistake, if a tooth has a root canal and the patient chooses to NOT get a crown, they should expect to lose the tooth at some point in the future (WHEN is the million dollar question. Could be next week, next year, or 10 years later. Usually sooner).
Swelling Around Tooth
Sometimes the first sign that something is not right is when the tissues are swollen. Occaisionally, the swelling is so much that an eye will have impaired vision. This is a VERY serious situation and needs IMMEDIATE attention. Even a visit to the ER should be considered, as the bacteria is very near blood flow that goes to the brain, so there should be no delay.
Emergency Dentist Drain Infection
With swelling that is visible, the first thing to do is often to make an incision and let the infection drain. Antibiotics will be needed as well. If a tooth is hopeless and needs an extraction, the extraction itself will allow drainage, so an incision may not be needed.