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Snap on Smile Seattle

December 13, 2019

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: , , — drtimmerman @ 7:21 am

How much does snap on smile cost?

Snap on Smile Seattle

Probably the FIRST question people ask Dr Timmerman is, “How much does Snap on Smile cost?”  Unlike the “one size fits all” or prefabricated products that can be bought online, Snap on Smile is custom made in a lab.  There are many benefits to this, primarily, the outcome.  Snap on Smile will LOOK like it fits your face.  It will FIT….

So while the cost is more than “Billy Bob Teeth”, it is worth it.  The average cost varies across the nation, but plan on a range of $1500 to $3000 per arch.

snap on smile seattle

How long does snap on smile last?

One GREAT feature of Snap on Smile is that it comes with a 12 month limited warranty.  This means “peace of mind” for your investment, however I know some patients that have had it last for up to 5 years (and counting). 

Imagine buying tires for your car and ONLY driving one Saturday per month to the store and back.  THOSE tires will last MUCH longer than if you drive every day and “peel out” at ever stop light.  The same logic comes with the longevity of Snap on Smile.  If you ONLY wear it for special events, it will last MUCH longer.

Can you eat with Snap on Smile teeth?

While you CAN eat and drink with your Snap on Smile teeth, the wear and tear is much more than if you do not.  While the polymer is a durable product, it is not the same as porcelain veneers.  Since they are removable, they can be washed (brushed after meals, before bed, upon wakening).  While it can be said that Snap on Smile is a temporary or permanent cosmetic solution, it is more accurately described as a long term temporary solution and WILL wear out over time. It’s available for upper and lower teeth.

How do you put on snap on smile?

Placement of the Snap on Smile DOES take a little bit of practice.  It does “slip on and slip off” but since it is a completely custom fit, it is very snug.  There is SOME flexibility, but it takes practice to learn the correct path to get it placed “just right”.  You won’t want to do this several times per day.

There is NO adhesive or glues, so it stays put via friction.  Our teeth have a bit of a roundness, so the material will “cup” around the “nooks and crannies”.

Taking them out takes a bit of practice

Can snap on smile replace missing teeth?

Snap-On Smile covers up crooked or chipped teeth and can fill in gaps too. This set of veneer-like teeth is custom made for your mouth. Unlike porcelain veneers, Snap-On Smile is removable so you can take it out when needed.

Can you wear snap on smile every day?

While you CAN wear Snap-On Smile all day, every day, you may want to decide how much it is worn.  The more it is worn, the faster it will wear out. If you want this investment to last a long time, 24/7 is not a good idea.  No matter what, we suggest that the patient remove and clean the appliance before going to bed. Proper care is required just like any other dental appliance.

Does Insurance cover snap on smile?

Snap-On Smile is for cosmetic/esthetic application, so do not expect insurance to help.  As a general rule, cosmetic/aesthetic dental services are not covered by dental insurance.

Who should NOT do Snap on Smile?

Snap on Smile is NOT for you if you have:

  • very few natural teeth
  • loose teeth
  • periodontal disease
  • you are in the middle of orthodontic treatment
  • your teeth flare out severely

How do you clean a snap on smile?

Cleaning is easy.

  • Place Snap on Smile in a bowl or cup full of denture cleaning solution.  The water should cover the appliance completely
  • Soak for a minimum of 15 minutes
  • Remove the Snap-On Smile and rinse thoroughly under running water before using. You may use a soft toothbrush on the inside of the appliance to gently remove any residue.

Do Snap on Smile veneers work?

This custom device is fabricated in a lab to fit precisely over your teeth.  It is entirely tooth-borne, so no adhesives are required.  People who wear a Snap-On Smile are free to eat, drink and function normally. However, like any snap on veneers, these are specifically designed as a temporary solution, not a permanent one, but with care can last for several years.

Tukwila Connection Dental GEHA Dentist

December 11, 2019

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: , , — drtimmerman @ 11:58 am

Dr Timmerman is a GEHA dentist (part of Connection Dental) which is an “umbrella plan”. What this means is that there is no “plan” called Connection Dental but a group of plans MANAGED by the umbrella. What they do is help manage OTHER plans or networks. Dr Timmerman may in fact NOT be “in network” with a plan, but “IS” in the network via this umbrella. This CAN become very confusing.

GEHA Dentist, and the Umbrella

GEHA Dentist Connection DentalMost people can visualize an umbrella. A large, circular apparatus used to cover and repel rain. Flip it upside down, and it does the exact opposite, it collects rainwater.

In this case, it is a collection of dental benefit insurance plans that opens up the network to connect more patients to dentists. If you are looking for a MetLife dentist and they are not listed with MetLife, you may still be eligible for fees that are in their network.

Maximizing Your GEHA Dentist dollars

Why is it important to find a GEHA dentist? For one, less stress. Paperwork to manage your claim should be much more straightforward. This makes for fewer delays and ultimately saves everyone money.

Smile Makeover Requirements

August 17, 2018

Smile Makeover Requirements

by Lance Timmerman DMD

“I want a new smile, what will it take?!” Seattle cosmetic dentist Lance Timmerman in Tukwila gets this a lot. The challenge: an answer. If I asked you to paint my house, could you give a fee? Probably, but at first you may only give me a range and after you learn about the condition of my house you can give a better estimate.”


Regence Dentist

March 7, 2018

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Dr Lance Timmerman DMD is a Regence Dentist, a dentist for your entire family. With today’s changing climate, it is important to get the most “bang for your buck” and easy to manage your dental benefits. When seeing a dentist IN network with your insurance, coordinating and managing your benefits can’t be any easier. When Dr Timmerman was OUT of network, things were very complicated. Now that Dr Timmerman has been recruited to the network, everything is much more streamlined.

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When choosing a Regence Dentist (sometimes referred to as “Regence Blue Shield”), you don’t have to shop around looking for the best price. Since it won’t cost any more or less when seeing a network provider, you can find a dentist that offers the treatment you seek, or at the location that is convenient. Dr Timmerman is among the most experienced and trained dentists in the NATION, with a Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry, a Diplomate with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, and a fellowship in the International Congress of Oral Implantology. Less than 2% of the dentists nationwide have this level of training and experience, so he is often asked to lecture and teach OTHER dentists.

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Dr Timmerman’s office is very convenient to get to. Tucked behind the Family Fun Center in Tukwila, near the Southcenter Mall (Westfield Shopping Center), Dr Timmerman practically shares a parking lot with Starfire Sports Complex (home of the Seattle Sounders). Right off exit #1 from I-405, you can arrive very quickly from all over the Seattle metropolitan area. Patients come from all over the world to see Dr Timmerman, so you are fortunate that he is so close to you!

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Managing costs of dental care can be confusing. Let us help you manage your Regence dental benefits or coordinate our many financing options.

Dental PPO Dentist

April 25, 2017

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Dental PPO participation is important to many people.  Dr Timmerman is in network with Delta Dental of Washington (WDS or Washington Dental Service), Cigna DentalRegence Blue Shield,  Aetna DentalGuardian Dental, and Humana Dental (our Delta participation also allows us to be “in network” for Delta from other states). If you have coverage from ANY of these plans, you can know that we can make usage of your dental benefits EASY for you.

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It may be important to clarify from the start that dental insurance does not exist, but pre paid dental benefits are very common. Insurance (like home, medical, auto, or fire) is where we pay into a common fund and hope to NEVER use. It is certainly great to have when we NEED, but we don’t really WANT our house to burn down so we can use it. Coverage for triple bypass heart surgery is great, but I don’t WANT to have the treatment unless I NEED it.

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Dr Timmerman accepts ALL dental insurance that allows you to choose your dentist. Some plans REQUIRE you to go to specific offices (like Group Health or Kaiser Permanente), but most other plans allow you to see ANYONE, and encourage you to see someone IN the network. The percentages are higher, but the actual money paid is the same wherever you go. The easiest example is: PPO pays 100% of $100 item if seeing an IN network, dentist, but that exact $100 is only 90% of the $111 fee from an OUT of network office. If seeing an out of network dentist, that $11 must be paid by the patient.

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Probably the most confusing aspect to dental benefit plans is their rules and limitations. Most decisions are NOT made by a dentist when denied benefits, or “hoops to jump through” to get the chosen treatment, but are in fact decided by someone with little or zero background or training in dentistry. They simply know the plan rules and enforce them as they choose.

As experts, we know how to navigate your plan. We won’t let an insurance employee dictate our treatment or what we offer, but we certainly will play by their rules. This can be confusing to you, so be sure to ask for clarification in advance if necessary.

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Another confusing aspect to dental benefits is the annual maximum. While it may say “100% coverage”, be sure to know the ceiling to coverage. Most plans have a max up to $1000 or $1500 and some of the better plans pay up to $2000 per year. This means that if your treatment plan is $5000, the plan will only pay $2000, even if they say “100% coverage”. Some treatment plans can be broken into pieces and done over time, but some things (like a bridge) are done at a single time and can’t be broken up.

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To confuse even more, companies will use “UCR Tables” to determine benefits. They state that this is “usual, customary, and reasonable” but often is not any of the three. The tables are 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, and 90th percentiles, so it is important to know which percentile your plan uses. Some plans pay 100% of the 50th percentile, yet not a single dentist has a fee at that number. The HR department at your employer may have simply chosen a plan that doesn’t pay as well as another plan.

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Some plans have rules that confuse everyone. If a cheaper alternative is possible, then they will only pay what would have been paid for that option, not what was actually done. For example, some plans will pay for a bridge if only missing a single tooth. However, if TWO teeth are missing, they will pay for a removable partial denture (sometimes called a flipper), ONCE in the patient’s lifetime.

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Some people feel that they MUST have a dental plan, but their employer does not offer ANY dental benefits. In this case, they purchased a plan individually. All financial planners will tell you that this is a very poor investment, as you will ALWAYS pay more out of pocket than you receive in benefit. Always.

The most common way is a mandatory waiting period. Often, the plan may contribute for a cleaning, but NOTHING else for 18 months. If your premium was $200 per month, you will pay $3600 before you can “do” anything, and then you will have $1000 maximum benefit per year. You will never catch up, receive more than you paid in.

Our “In Office Plan” is a much better investment.  Our annual fee includes basic care and a discount on treatment, with no waiting periods.

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In many cases, we CAN bill treatment to medical insurance, so be sure to bring your medical insurance information. Dentists are NOT in network with medical, but the benefits can still be used. The rule of thumb is anything below the gums may have coverage (dental implants, periodontal surgeries, gum grafts, bone grafts), and we routinely treat sleep apnea while billing medical insurance (there is NO dental benefit for sleep apnea). There is significant paperwork and time involved, so we DO ask for your patience.

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